South Florida Casinos WINNERS offers Vegas Style Games and is open twenty-four seven for your pleasure.
One of the newest casino places in the area, Winners is eager to make your gaming experience exciting with encouragement and friendly, personal staff that offers you encouragement and assistance.
The exceptional staff at Winners furnishes snacks and drinks continually throughout your visit.
The staff will deliver these right to you so you don’t have to leave your game. They also serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily.
Pictured from left to right are Barbara, a first time visitor to Winners,and staff members Charity, Richard and Michael.
Winners provides an assortment of 107 game machines. Additionally, they offer a Fruit Genie Tournament every Thursday from 8am to 8pm.
Other offerings include daily match play and Bingo Tuesday through Sunday with up to $50 in winnings.
Monday Madness doubles the Bingo winnings. Each day, Winners offers a different promotion that is exciting.
You may check out the list at the main desk or give them a call for current information.
And, of course, they offer gift cards which you can purchase with your winnings. These include Publix, Visa cards, gas cards, and restaurant cards, just to name a few.
Make sure you get a ticket for their famous drawings when you check in. Keep that ticket handy because they have wonderful prizes. In addition to the daily drawing, they have monthly, quarterly, and annual drawings for great prizes. The drawings are always fun to participate in especially if you become a lucky “Winners” winner!
Good luck and enjoy your time at this happy, fun-filled casino.
Frank and Pauline McKeen won the Grand Prize, a Polaris Special Edition Ranger, at the end of March 2011.
13560 Tamiami Trail North
Naples, Florida 34110